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Michael Edelstone

Branding a bobcat


Lead UI/UX and Marketing Designer


Content management system templates haven’t been refreshed in over a decade.

Top outcome

Deployed the institution’s first accessible, responsive digital identity to over 500 websites and apps.

Texas State University is a beautiful school that fell behind the digital times. Though the entire institution converted to a custom CMS in the early 2000s, shifting priorities left the front end template largely outdated, and publishers struggled to find compelling ways to convey information.

I identified and led several major initiatives to correct this divide, and ultimately we introduced 1) an accessible, multi-column template to hundreds of editors, 2) an admissions-driven, responsive homepage, and 3) a flexible digital identity documented for future product updates. All of these were firsts for the university.

Product shot, search function Style guide component examples Style guide slider component Examples of wesbite headers Mobile homepage mockup Homepage on mobile device